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Dilapidated Definition in a Sentence

Once you get the knack for making the most of what you've got, you will never go back to looking dilapidated again.
There was every kind from little boats to huge cargo ships, from dilapidated sailboats to magnificent barges.
In Sarajevo we found an overwhelming energy and bustle set against a backdrop of the ruins of dilapidated buildings.
The award of lottery and European cash marks the end of a five-year campaign to replace dilapidated facilities in Scotchman Road.
He was then living in a dilapidated row house in South Philadelphia with his girlfriend, Maya, and their two small boys.
The mailbox is dilapidated, the porch has a dog on it, the porch chair is a rocker and the man rocking in the chair is smoking a pipe.
Occupants have been evicted from yet another dilapidated city office block that is being used illegally as residential accommodation.
Instead of spending money on replenishing the dilapidated library, the university is investing in lame television advertisements.
My dilapidated apartment didn't seem quite so shabby, the shops, not so familiar.
By the middle of the 1600s engravings depict the tower as three storeys high but dilapidated.
The current owners, Ben Alder Estate, want to knock down the dilapidated building to construct workshops.
Developers buy old, unused, dilapidated hotels and redevelop them into brand new upscale luxury condos.
In 1979 I glimpsed a dilapidated Winnebago in the parking garage of Denver's Stapleton Airport.
The circle found that this family of four was living in a dilapidated hut with virtually no means for food and medicines.
The complex has been neglected and has become a dilapidated landmark in the city.
They renovated the dilapidated and rambling buildings as much as they could afford to and began to update the studio's ageing equipment.
The Kilbracken family home was damp and dilapidated and the estate neglected, its sole stock consisting of one aged cow.
As a result, the siheyuans became compounds occupied by many households, and the number of dilapidated houses increased.
If it goes ahead, it will allow the council to dispose of several dilapidated office buildings around the city.
He stared at the dilapidated office building, wondering how many people were inside.

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Already some dilapidated gravestones have been laid flat as a temporary measure by staff checking the stability of memorials across the city.
Apparently it's riddled with asbestos and so dilapidated that prospective buyers are warned not to venture inside.
The estate, once genteel but now a sprawling mass of dilapidated bedsits and flats, had a bad drug problem.
This will fund the restoration work and the construction of a community meeting room, which will replace the dilapidated church hall.
The number of empty dilapidated shops in the depressing Bradford city centre are witness to the existing problems of traders.
To his dismay, the verges were furrowed with tyre marks and when he reached the field, it was full of dilapidated vans.
On the area of the croft land, there is also a further dilapidated farm building which could have the potential for residential conversion.
Above all, the idea was to create a beacon to further development in a formerly dilapidated area.
The safety of the increasingly dilapidated hulk is by no means assured and the situation is worsened when the foremast is damaged.
Returning from FNQ, as one drives south from Cairns, there are so many of these dilapidated, run-down sugar mills.
Many mortuaries are dilapidated or poorly designed with inadequate viewing facilities.
Some houses are still very dilapidated, but new people seem to be moving in all the time and fixing places up.
Penhall plies his pen widely, commenting on the dilapidated National Health Service and the nature of perception, sanity, and normalcy.
Several of the children living in the dilapidated facility had psychological problems, officials said.
I have just been down to Myrtle Walk and felt physically sickened by its filthy, dilapidated state.
Residents have been complaining about anti-social behaviour at the recreation ground and the dilapidated state of the Rugby Club's clubhouse.
With a view to helping the environment, the couple bought a mountainside property in west Cork with a dilapidated cottage and a barn attached.
They work in dilapidated sheds and live in illegal hutments that the municipal corporation is threatening to demolish.
Moving in his downfall, sadly dilapidated in his disgrace, Bosco delivers a threateningly Parthian shot that should leave no one unshuddering.
Eventually I found myself lying supine on top of one of those dilapidated benches between the lockers, pretending to sleep.

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He hijacks a dilapidated paddleboat as the villagers gather supplies for the 300-mile river voyage.
The dilapidated facilities and overstretched editorial staff prove how illusory this prediction was.
Over-crowded, run down and dilapidated school buildings must be tackled immediately.
The old dilapidated building where the two women meet each other is made even more gloomy and doleful by an unexpected downpour.
The young male dragon emerged fully from the dilapidated nest, his tiny claws softly tapping the stony cave floor as he took his first step.
He purchased his dilapidated old home, Rathloe House, with the intention to build a new abode on the site.
Way back when I was ten, my brother and I used to play in a dilapidated shed on the edge of the Gloucester-shire town where I was brought up.
They were standing outside a dilapidated little shack that seemed to be tilting rather hazardously to the left.
The dilapidated restaurant was wedged in between two larger buildings, and the entrance was in the narrow alley on the left.
We are replacing a dilapidated carport which is attached to our garage and the front of our house with a pergola.
The more dilapidated eastern end of the Turbine building was partly stripped and cannibalised for other parts of the building.
The pig farm is a squalid 10-acre patch of mud and dilapidated buildings in the town of Port Coquitlam, British Columbia.
On this jumbotron, the Kings ran a series of images depicting Detroit as full of dilapidated, garbage-strewn buildings and burned-out cars.
Besides, the building is in a dilapidated condition and maintenance work has not been carried out for years.
It replaces buildings that were so dilapidated the roofs leaked in several places.
The project began with the sale of the church's old meeting hall, which was housed in a dilapidated coach house at the vicarage.
Quite a few of the houses are dilapidated, paint flaked off rotting wood, patched up with corrugated iron boards.
They are hideous examples of concrete brutalism, dilapidated and badly-run and best demolished.
The wrapped rolls were arranged either in rows on shelves or in batches in solander boxes or poor quality, dilapidated card boxes.
Living quarters are usually dilapidated farmhouses, field barracks, small shacks, or impoverished shelters.

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For some time now the tables have remained unused and the room became dilapidated.
In 2001, the students replaced a dilapidated concrete and tin wash house with a more traditional structure complete with a massive stone roof.
A dilapidated cab bounced along a pitch-black dirt road and we could see in the silhouette, large structures shadowed around us.
We may have a dilapidated library and an unreliable student computing service, but our staff are the best in New Zealand.
He came out of an alley across from an abandoned, dilapidated office building with boarded up windows and missing blocks from the upper stories.
The streets are full of dilapidated vehicles, and a ride in a taxi with an unbroken windscreen is indeed a luxury.
The unabashedly poetic film depicts the turmoil experienced by a group of adolescents over the course of a summer in a dilapidated Southern town.
On a dilapidated black-and-white television sits an old kerosene lamp which he lights when a blackout plunges him into darkness.
Another 1.3 percent fell into the category of dilapidated units, defined as failing to provide safe and adequate shelter.
There are shots of the garrison, the dry grass and flowers rustling in the wind, and the sharply defined, dilapidated stone walls and statues.
Sometimes we'd move back to this dilapidated family home and we would realize again that this was where we really belonged.
You see, in the first act, the set was a dilapidated house with a weedgrown yard and shabby fence.
True, we're located in a dilapidated strip mall in a seedy part of town, but people have cars, don't they?
I live in an old dilapidated building that has poor tenants and relatively cheap rents.
Businessman John Cross wanted to turn the dilapidated and decaying jetty into a shopping mall, bistro-style restaurant and a specialised apartment-style hotel.
With little more than a goat, a wheelbarrow and a frankly dilapidated hovel to his name, he obviously does not have an internet connection of his own.
With Ahmed as our guide, we are taken to a gaunt, dilapidated building.
One of his first tasks after buying a dilapidated farmhouse in the Chiba prefecture, about 60 miles east of Tokyo, was to build a huge wooden bathtub.
The rehearsal room was a dilapidated building in a hospital complex.
The area of dilapidated hutongs was only 800,000 square meters.

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Buildings were dilapidated, stained, and charmless, except for the magnificent churches which, small or large, were made warmly inviting by their many icons and lit candles.
The neighborhoods are populated with old, dilapidated houses with overgrown lawns full of cinder blocks and headless dolls floating in rusty water barrels.
As professional planters working for a wealthy proprietor, they were given carte blanche to transform the estate and a pair of dilapidated bungalows.
Also included in the mix are the two comic country bumpkins, stereotypical toothless hillbillies with their pipes, dilapidated hats, and cargo of farm livestock.
A dilapidated old man sits on the veranda of a dilapidated old house.
So, unrepaired and unfrequented, town centers began to look dilapidated, long before any unwelcome barbarian tongues were heard in their near empty streets.
When he brings the car to a halt we find ourselves outside a dilapidated, three-storeyed structure bearing a hotel sign, the last letter of which is slightly askew.
We drove for what felt like forever to a sort of dilapidated commercial part of Istanbul on the Asian side of the city.
Christa and John Hale visibly fill with pride as they describe how they have transformed their beloved Highland home from a dilapidated wreck into a rural idyll.
His father-in-law had been trying unsuccessfully to sell a dilapidated house in Ilkley and the couple decided to buy it for themselves, killing two birds with one stone.
On the set, a hole was dug in the middle of a cul-de-sac, surrounded by dilapidated clay houses overlooking a shady canyon.
Parents took their children out of classes last Tuesday and kept them away for the rest of the week in protest against the school's dilapidated condition.
Other than these sparse accommodations, there was a fourth door on the left of the hall that led to a rather dilapidated, disgustingly mildewed water closet.
Harlech appears not to have been repaired following the 1468 siege, and became completely dilapidated.
Here, in a dilapidated room, Saleem recounts the November blast.
In the mid-1980s, many of the coal mines in the Donbas coal fields had already reached a dilapidated state.
The Old Town became an increasingly dilapidated, overcrowded slum with high mortality rates.
Architect Anthony Salvin rebuilt the dilapidated keep from the original plans.
The church soon fell into disrepair and was dilapidated by 670 when Saint Wilfrid ascended to the See of York.
Thus Besserheart had the distinction of creating a demand for dilapidated and passe specimens of dollkind.

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He stood behind an old and dilapidated Stobie pole and eyed me and my pushbike.
Unbelievable as it seemed, the cop was clearly going after that sorry old farmer in his dilapidated shitmobile.
In 2009 Victoria was identified as the worst category B interchange station because of its dilapidated fabric and environment.
Millom Castle is a grade I listed building and scheduled ancient monument which by 1739 was in dilapidated condition.
The neighborhood is full of dilapidated houses with scruffy backyards.
Wren planned to replace the dilapidated tower with a dome, using the existing structure as a scaffold.
The work was carried out close to Kinwalsey Lane between Meriden and Fillongley and resulted in two dilapidated stiles being replaced with kissing gates.
Set in a world of dilapidated stands, rundown stadia and fog-shrouded training grounds, the film expertly captures the clammy grottiness of the period.
With the overhaul of the first two routes, the dilapidated wooden sleepers with be replaced by new ferroconcrete sleepers and new rails will also be laid.
Conceived as part of a 1950s-era slum-clearance program, the immense superblock required the demolition of an entire neighborhood of dilapidated tenements and brownstones.
Constantinople by this stage was underpopulated and dilapidated.
Despite its dilapidated condition, during the English Civil War Caernarfon Castle was held by Royalists, and was besieged three times by Parliamentarian forces.
Within a few years, the monument had fallen into a dilapidated state.
The patrimony of the bishopric of Oxon was much dilapidated.
The couple bought a dilapidated dairy farm on 700 hilly acres in upstate New York and named it Steepletop, after a local wildflower, the steeplebush.
The boarding-house, an old and dilapidated building, was in a bystreet convenient to the harbour.
In Thebes, in Palmyra, his will and mind have become old and dilapidated as they.
There are some dusty streets, and silhouetting against the dim sky a dilapidated faade of some broken pillars.
It was a big, old-fashioned dwelling, gambrel-roofed and brown and dilapidated.
He drew a dilapidated pack of cards from his pocket and spread them fanwise.
The inner room was doorless, and the outer door was thrown back and dilapidated.
It stands in the midst of an unweeded field, whose dilapidated enclosure scarcely protects it from the lowing and hungry kine.
An old dilapidated bridge crossed the Shenandoah, and the troops marched over in single file, moving around louden Heights.
The furniture was dilapidated, and the coverings of it were worn and moth-eaten.
A gawky, blue-eyed boy about Bob Henderson's age beamed at her from a dilapidated old buggy.
Next day there was a state visit to the dilapidated temple, and Kien Lung made obeisance and vowed a vow.
The house, save for the actual fabric of it, had become rather dilapidated and ruinate.
Yet in his own world these two would be as unplaced as gypsies strayed from their dilapidated caravan.
Good-day, sonnies, said snakeroot Sam, doffing his dilapidated hat with mock courtesy.
Another, a dilapidated, striped beastie, with both ears and one eye gone, glared at us from the sofa in the corner.
They were moss-grown, much dilapidated, and apparently of great age.
Twenty-nine minutes into the film a shot shows a pile of ordure and excrement in the courtyard of a dilapidated block of tenements.
The Thalia is a theatrical anachronism, dilapidated, decayed and degraded.
The town is a dilapidated old concern, as ugly as Huntsville is handsome.
Grottos, cleverly managed, and massive terraces with dilapidated steps and rusty railings, gave a peculiar character to this lone retreat.

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His dress suit of former days he had found much too dilapidated for use.
After all, some buildings just become too dilapidated and are too costly to renovate.
Croats fought Serbs and Bosnians to defend dilapidated Croat settlements.
The Australian Kelpie was one of 37 dogs rescued from a dilapidated farm belonging to Margaret Harthill, in Kings Norton.
The men wavered in indecision for a moment, and then with a long, wailful cry the dilapidated regiment surged forward and began its new journey.
A rack, equally old and dilapidated, had been set on the running gear.
In the morning a dilapidated iron oil-cask was found in its place.
He was fatigued and dilapidated, but he had not caught Donald.
At Purfleet, on a byroad, I came across just such a place as seemed to be required, and where was displayed a dilapidated notice that the place was for sale.
Fragments of tiles and slates lying on the ground, and the dilapidated condition of the roofs, were evidence of a total want of care on the part of the owners.
On coming within the shadow of the Pyncheon Elm, he stopt, and seemed to scrutinize, with especial interest, the dilapidated and rusty-visaged House of the Seven Gables.
Tis not ivry child that wud chuck the Rig'lations to Flanders an' stretch Peg Barney on a wink from a brokin an' dilapidated ould carkiss like mysilf.
It was a dug-out, as ancient and dilapidated as its owner, and, in order to get into it without capsizing, Daughtry wet one leg to the ankle and the other leg to the knee.

Dilapidated Definition in a Sentence
